Have you ever walked out to see your chickens and have a mini heart attack because they’re sprawled out and you automatically assume the worst? Because let’s be real here, chickens have a tendency to hide any issues until it’s to the point they can’t be saved.
Even after a couple of years with them, I still feel like my heart drops to my stomach any time I see them doing something unexpected.

Like many other animals, chickens also like to sunbathe. Usually their favorite way to do this is by flopping down and spreading out their wings to soak up as much warmth from the sun as possible.
So, why do they do it?
Chickens’ egg production is dependent on a certain amount of sunlight per day. For ideal egg production they need to receive about 14-16 hours of sunlight per day. Sunbathing provides some of that necessary sunlight for them.
Additionally, the sunlight provides Vitamin D. Without Vitamin D, chickens would develop a host of health problems such as brittle bones, weak legs, broken nails/toes/beaks, deformed keels (breastbone), feather picking, aggression, and even death.
It’s really fascinating how it is absorbed into their body. Chickens have a gland near the base of their tail called a preen gland that releases a waxy oil that they apply to their feathers with their beaks. The oil will produce Vitamin D when it is exposed to sunlight, which in turn will then be absorbed by their skin.

Lastly, chickens just simply enjoy laying out in the warm sun for a bit to relax. They’ll often do this socially with others in their flock, it’s an important part of your chicken’s busy social life!