Chicken feed doesn’t usually come in a small bag that can just be tucked away in a glass jar for storage. Most feed sold in farm supply stores […]
A Late Winter Storm, Snow Fun, And Frozen Sap
After we’d had several warm days of what we refer to as ‘fool’s spring,’ we were hit with 8 inches of snow a couple of days ago. The […]
Why Do Chickens Sunbathe?
Have you ever walked out to see your chickens and have a mini heart attack because they’re sprawled out and you automatically assume the worst? Because let’s be […]
What PPE Is Needed For Beekeeping?
There are a lot of options and different schools of thought on what PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) is best for beekeeping. I’ve seen beekeepers that wear literally no […]
How Do You Acquire Bees For A Hive, Anyway?
I’d never given much thought to where the bees would come from until it actually became a possibility to keep them. So where do you get them, and […]
Chicken Math & How To Brood Chicks
It’s coming. The season where us chicken addicts have trouble entering the feed store because of that peep peep peeping taunting us with their cuteness. They’re begging us […]
What Is Raw Honey, And What Makes It Special?
Honey is a delicious and flavorful alternative sweetener to use in place of white sugar. But if you stroll down the grocery aisle, you’ll see a plethora of […]
Should A Rooster’s Spurs Be Removed?
If you were to ask several different chicken keepers if a rooster’s spurs should be removed, you would get a range of answers from them. Let’s first touch […]
How To Tell The Difference Between A Rooster And A Hen
The question of “hen or roo?” is one of the most commonly asked questions in chicken social media groups, in my experience. And now that I just typed […]
The Deep Litter Method & A Not So Glamorous Side Of Homesteading
In homesteading, for every picturesque scene that is shared on social media there are many less glamorous tasks happening behind the scenes. Take today for example – my […]